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Link found between diabetes and high blood pressure

A leading charity has recently stated that it is likely that those who are suffering from diabetes also have high blood pressure. The combination of these two diseases can have a significant consequence on people’s health. The charity, Diabetes UK, has found these figures after studying 2 million people across the country who have the [...]

Diabetes and Obesity Neurobiology

Through advances in molecular and neurobiology, we are beginning today to understand how the complex control circuit for the control of food intake and energy balance may work. Whether it is possible the findings, which were mostly obtained from animal experiments to humans, is not clear.

Participants will discuss a set-point model, which is aimed at [...]

Green leafy vegetables cut diabetes risk

Last Friday, scientists announced that the risk of developing diabetes is cut significantly if the individual eats lots of green leafy vegetables.

British researchers have found out that additional intake of the common vegetables like spinach, broccoli or cabbage reduces the risk of incurring type 2 diabetes. The percentage is high, approximately 14%.

This comes as a [...]