The amount of men dying from malignant melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer, has doubled over the last thirty years according to new figures from the UK Cancer Research. This is true more so in men that are elderly.
During the late 70’s only about 400 men died from skin cancer, but now the figure has increased to 1,100.
However, the charity stated that cancer can be preventable if people identify troubling moles early and take precautions to avoid sunburn.
Also on the increase are death rates for women rising from 1.5 per 100,000 women to 2.2 per 100,000 women.
Figures also show that although women are more often to seek an original diagnosis thus increasing the amounts that are diagnosed every year, so more men actually die from skin cancer.
Cancer Research UK member, Caroline Cerny, stated that men need to pay more attention to their skin since many leave it to their partners to remind them to cover up or use sunscreen.
Cerny added that the figures suggest that either men do not know the symptoms of skin cancer or are simply ignoring taking the time to visit their GP. She said that anyone that notices unusual changes in moles of their skin should go straight to their doctor.
Paul Burstow, the care services minister, reported that the figures are very concerning and people need to be vigilant in regards to their skin. If skin cancer is caught in its early stages it is easy to treat and remove.
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