There is a certain type of bacteria in all dog feaces as well as other parasites that may cause problems with the stomach or disease, if ingested. Toxocariasis is an infection from the Toxocara roundworm.
Since their immune system is weak and immature young children are prone to catch this type of disease. The worm can enter their bodies if they come into contact with feaces from the dog. The larvae attempt to migrate through the organism like it they do a dog’s except the human treats them differently and causes tissue damage and a reaction.
Also pick up your dogs poop as soon as they have deposited it. It is important if you are in a public park or public area to pick it up as soon as possible and drop it tin the poop bin which most larger parks have.
Some doggie bags you can even flush or are biodegradable and can be thrown in with that group. The most important thing is to never touch the dog poop since the parasites and microorganisms are transferred easily.
Doggie bags can be found almost anywhere today. You can buy them in supermarkets, veterinary clinics, pet stores and even home and garden centers,. It is recommended that a doggie bag goes with you everywhere Fido goes.
Another important fact is that pregnant women need to take whatever caution necessary when it involves dog poop. They need to wear gloves and dispose of the poop right after it has been picked up so there is not change of transferring anything.