Most risk factors affecting the sleep environment of the child include:
Smoking parents of the infant;
Overheating of the infant;
The infant sleeping position (prone position);
Overlap or insufficient airflow;
Risk groups
Vulnerable groups as a result of previous studies are children with low birth weight (prematurity), multiple births and infants with multiple older siblings. Furthermore, children which are from disadvantaged families, particularly children of young mothers (under 20 years) and children of single parents are seen as being above average risk. Also siblings of children who died of sudden infant death have an increased risk.
Unusual paleness of the child’s head or blue arms and legs during sleep may also be a sign of a particular risk. In addition children who have survived an acute life-threatening event are susceptible.
It should be stressed, however, that sudden infant death syndrome in individual cases can not be predicted and occur in all social groups. Only statistical accumulation is observed in the above risk groups.
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