Reports indicate that a bill is being drafted for Greater Manchester that would prohibit the sale of alcohol for under 50p a unit. This would affect the alcohol-buying public by guaranteeing that a two-lire bottle of cider would have to go for at least £5.50 and no bottle of wine could be sold for under £4.50. Oh yes, and you would have to toss that loyalty card from your favourite pub.
No one is really expressing why they think this is such a good measure, but it is reported to have strong support among Greater Manchester’s 10 local authorities. If the bylaw were passed it would put Greater Manchester in the history books as the first area in the entire country to ban inexpensive alcohol.
Even if the bylaw is adopted at the local level, it will need national support as it stands to violate the competition laws by creating unfair practices against those companies who manufacture and supply inexpensive alcohol.
The national lawmakers are not likely to get behind such a bill, no matter whose support it might muster. Given the mood of the country, raising the price of alcohol would probably measure up to political suicide right now, even though GMP believe it will not only curb violence but also lead to a better level of general health in Manchester’s population.
It should be learned, as recent history, that just such a bill was vigorously defeated in Scottish parliament.
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