Ash Scotland the anti-smoking charity is claiming public backing for a crackdown on tobacco sales to under age people. The charity published an opinion poll showing that over 85% in Scotland think retailers, if they repeatedly serve to the under 18s, should lose the right to sell tobacco products. Scottish legislation passed the measure in 2010. Over 2/3 of those surveyed also back a registration scheme to be initiated in shops that sell tobacco.
YouGov conducted the poll of over 1,000 adults asking their opinions on losing the right to sell tobacco for selling or supplying tobacco products to those under 18 on more than one occasion. Only 4% opposed the policy while an overwhelming 87% supported it.
Ash Scotland chief executive Sheila Duffy said that retailers now are subject to fixed fines for selling to under aged and if found to be consistently doing so they could be banned. There is clear evidence showing your health is damaged more, the earlier you start smoking and the harder it is to eventually stop.
The charity cited research that showed over 15,000 young people in Scotland start smoking each year and deaths that are directly attributed to smoking are more than 13,000 annually. Tobacco companies, by challenging legislation legally have delayed two other parts of the rule – banning cigarette vending machines and restricting the display of products in shops.
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