There is exciting news about a new test which only takes five minutes, and may be able to prevent up to 5000 people a year from developing cancer of the bowel, which cannot be underestimated as it is the U.K.’s second worst cancer, in terms of number of deaths.
It is believed that the one time test, which only takes five minutes, can be conducted on the population at age 55, and could result in as many as 3000 less deaths per year according to new research.
The scientists who conducted the tests on the new development have requested that whichever government takes power, they should implement the new testing as soon as possible in order to save lives.
They believe that this new test could be a turning point and is certainly one of the most important cancer related developments for many years.
These simple but effective tests only requires people to submit themselves to an examination of the lower area of their bowel, which is carried out with a small scope, which if necessary, is also capable of removing what are known as polyps, which our small growths that often become cancerous if not quickly removed.
Scientists consider that these polyps are extremely common and can be found in many people over 55, therefore the testing will quickly discover the growths and remove them there-and-then, without further need for surgery.
They consider that this procedure could possibly reduce the average person’s risk of contracting cancer of the bowel buys much as a massive 80%, which in turn would not only save lives but also the NHS a huge amount of money.
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