We all know that Botox is primarily used by those who wish to eliminate lines and wrinkles on the face, but new research has revealed that it may also stop spasms of the vagina which prevent a lot of women from enjoying sex, or prevent them from having sex at all.
This condition is known as Acute Vaginismus, and the news that Botox injections could bring relief will be greeted with joy by many sufferers. The involuntary spasms of the muscles inside the vagina cause great discomfort and pain to the sufferer. These spasms make penetration terribly painful, thus leading most women to go without sex altogether. There is much debate over what actually causes Vaginismus, the most popular theories being anxiety or internal scarring.
A New Hampshire plastic surgeon called Dr Peter Pacik, is currently running clinical studies approved by the FDA to find out how much relief Botox will bring to Vaginismus sufferers. It has already been proved helpful for other types of painful conditions of the vaginal region. So far, it seems that those who experience a sensation of burning or whose muscles restrict, making intercourse impossible, will benefit the most..
The first step in Dr Pacik’s treatment is to sedate the patient. As he points out, trying to inject these women in the vaginal area would more than likely trigger the spasms. Once asleep, the patient is injected with Botox into the muscles at the vaginal entrance. This effectively interrupts the nerves in the muscles, stopping them from going into spasm. The Botox is doing the same to the vagina as it does to the face, relaxing the muscles and keeping them relaxed.