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Anti heart attack injection

The news of a new injection that could dramatically help those who have had a heart attack or stroke has been revealed in a new study. Potentially fatal damage can be caused to the brain cells as the result of a stroke or cardiac arrest; if this injection is given to the sufferer quickly it can reduce the damage caused by a blood clot or deprivation of Oxygen, and aid the sufferer in a quicker recovery.

Contrary to believe, the majority of long-term damage actually occurs after the attack when the circulation kicks in again. The body’s own defences actually attack the cells that have been deprived of Oxygen. This damage can now be greatly reduced by the antibodies which British scientists have developed. Clinical therapies are now taking place and the tests being run on animals are having extremely positive results.

The research has been led by Professor Wilhelm Schwaeble, from the department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation at Leicester University. The research was a collaboration between Leicester, Kings College London, New York State University and the medical university at Fukushima, Japan.

The news is that this injection has particularly successful on animals that have had transplant surgery. It could also be invaluable for any procedure that involves the blood flow being interrupted temporarily, thus risking the damage of tissue.


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