A recent study that has been conducted by the charity, Diabetes UK, has shown that the majority of people, around 60 percent, who suffer from diabetes are not meeting their cholesterol targets. This is despite the fact that people who suffer from diabetes have their cholesterol levels checked at least once every 12 months.
The study which has been released by the charity has led them to encourage GPs to not become complacent about the cholesterol situation of their patients who suffer from diabetes. It is important that doctors realise that cholesterol is one of the healthcare essentials and that diabetics should be just as concerned about high cholesterol levels as anyone else.
It is estimated that over 90 percent of diabetic patients in the UK are receiving an annual cholesterol check, this figure has been compiled by the National Diabetes Audit. However, this audit also showed that despite the check being conducted, little is being done about the cholesterol situation when the targets are missed. Unfortunately, this can lead to medical complications down the line that can make a diabetic patients life even more difficult.
A spokesperson from the charity has recently commented, “We want to highlight to people, especially GPs, that the cholesterol check is much more than a box ticking exercise. It is important that when the cholesterol is high they realise the problems that might exist with it and take action in order to reduce the patient’s cholesterol levels.”
Fortunately, there are excellent treatments for high cholesterol, such as the use of statins, and it is not clear why there are problems of this level with diabetic patients when the treatment is so available. Above all, the spokesperson stated that people should make absolutely sure that they have their cholesterol checked on a regular basis and take action to control it.
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