However untidy you are, however long the bed linen doesn’t get changed, and however much fluff there is on top of the mantelpiece, ultimately we’d all rather live in a home that isn’t about to be shown on a Channel 4 programme featuring Kim and Aggy. But creating a healthy home isn’t just about having a home that’s spick and span. Healthy homes are about creating positive energy, having good air quality and helping boost your mood. So ignore that pile of ironing that’s just about to reach the ceiling and read on to discover some great ways to help give your home a healthy makeover…
• Add some foliage
Plants aren’t just for the great outdoors. In fact, adding houseplants to your home can really boost the health qualities of your air. Carbon dioxide will be reduced and oxygen will increase if you bring plants into your home. What’s more, plants will also help ditch any nasty toxins in the air. A study by NASA showed that plants can get rid of up to 87% of volatile organic compounds in a 24 hour period. But just because you’ve decided to bring the outdoors in, it doesn’t mean you can neglect your garden. Check out these garden tips and ideas for greener living to help create your healthy home.
• Feng shui your space
This ancient Chinese tradition is 3000 years old and translates to mean ‘wind and water’. And it’s all about the positive flow of ‘chi’ or energy in your home. Clutter and badly-placed ornaments or pieces of furniture are believed to block the flow of chi and cause problem areas to arise. If your home is to have a positive energy and one that helps with you living a happy and successful life, consider the Feng Shui treatment.
• Let your home breathe
Remember the feeling of fatigue after that 10-hour flight? It’s not just down to the fact you’ve been sat on a plane for all that time, it’s also down to the fact you’re breathing recycled air. Old stale air makes us feel old and stale. So open the windows, let air circulate through your home and instantly boost the oxygen levels indoors. Fresh air will help you feel revitalised too. What’s more, make sure you open the windows when you change your bed linen and let your mattress ‘breathe’ without sheets on. Why? You’ll help disperse toxins from the flame retardant chemicals that are used.
• Add colour
Painting your home in top to toe magnolia might be the easy option but it’s also the dull option. Add colour to your home to help energise and inspire. Yellow is a happy colour, while red is synonymous with passion. Green is calming and blue cooling. If you don’t fancy redecorating, add bold splashes of colour with artwork or flowers. If you’re unsure how to display your blooms, check out these flower arranging tips for some ideas.