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Drinking pomegranate could be a lifesaver

A recent study about the benefits of drinking pomegranate juice was very informative. The study shows that the juice can lower stress at the office, make one feel much more positive about their work and it can lower the heart rate. A group of volunteers were asked to drink 500ml of the juice each day for a fortnight.

Their pulses were taken both at the beginning and end of the study as well they filled out a questionnaire relating their feelings and mood about their work. The Pomegranate Juice Company funded the research and the study showed that the vast majority of employees were more inspired, active, proud and enthusiastic.

When describing themselves they were less likely to say they were nervous, distressed, ashamed or guilty compared to two prior. The majority also had lower pulse rates after the fortnight.

Dr. Emad Al-Dujaili the lead researcher from Queen Margaret University Edinburgh.  said that with these results there is justifiable evidence supporting the argument that busy workers should drink pomegranate juice to alleviate stress and remain in good health. He continued on by saying that the juice has a wide range of health benefits and that is merits more research.

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