One of the cosmetic surgery companies which was fitting the breast implants that have recently been the cause of such concern have stated that there is no need for worry amongst the people who have received the implants.
The Harley Medical Group is responsible for selling around 30 percent of the implants to people in the UK and it stated that the rupture risk is incredibly low.
Between 2001 and 2010 the company fitted nearly 14,000 of the breast implants but it has recorded a rupture figurative less than 1.5 percent within four years of the implants being fitted. The government has stated that the private clinics who fitted the implants have an obligation to remove them but the clinic have not yet said whether this is something they will do.
It is estimated that around 40,000 people in the UK have received the defective implants from the company PIP. Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, has stated that all women who had breast implants fitted by the NHS as part of reconstructive surgery would have them replaced.
He also commented, “Private healthcare facilities who fitted these implants have a moral obligation to remove them, just as the NHS would to their patients. We also want to see free consultations, free scans and free removal if that is necessary.”
The Health Secretary also stated that if the private clinics refuse to remove the implants the NHS will pay for it. However, the government also stated, “We will be pursuing every private clinic who fitted the implants to make sure that the bill is not picked up by the taxpayer.”
Some blame has been placed on the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, stating that they should have been more effectively monitoring the implants that were being used.
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