It’s easy to marvel at the strange things we do to ourselves in the name of beauty; sitting with our feet in a fishtank, smearing clay all over our faces… ripping out our hair with tweezers or wax. Most of us think this is pretty normal behaviour, but what about these strange skincare rituals from round the world? Would you dare?
Nightingale poop facial scrub
Traditional practised by Geishas in Japan, this product is supposed to give you smooth, pale skin. It’s still available, mostly in New York, London & Tokyo, but we’re pretty sure we can live without it.
Snakebite facial
Most of us take care to avoid getting bitten by snakes, but ladies who love these facials, which use viper venom to freeze the face, swear by its ability to tighten up fine lines. Wouldn’t you rather grow old with your dignity in tact than get hysterical enough to pay for things like this?
Bull sperm hair conditioner
Widely replaced by the Brazilian Keratin system these days, but at least one famous London salon offers this treatment, reputed to boost volume & shine. The semen is refrigerated & mixed with protein-rich katera root, but that doesn’t make it any more appealing, in our opinion.
Snakeskin pedicure
A Californian treatment, this is purely aesthetic – real snakeskin, stuck to your toenails. Not only is it expensive & a questionable look at best, but what about the poor old snake? Fancy nails are hardly a matter of life & death, so no animal should suffer or die for them.
Beer bath
Popular in the Czech Republic, the beer is full of vitamins & exfoliants. This might actually be quite appealing, providing you didn’t mind smelling like an alcoholic for 24 hours afterwards.
Pig placenta beauty drink
Gahhh! Japan again… Said to have regenerative properties, this zero calorie jelly drink is supposed to keep you looking young. Some brands even have a peachy flavour, but somehow that isn’t very reassuring.
Chocolate massage
Now this is more like it! Any die-hard chocolate fan knows that it’s full of antioxidants. After all, what better excuse do you need? Although this Pennsylvanian treatment feels like a bit of a waste, it certainly smells much nicer than some of the things we’ve discovered.
Russian tree beating
A bundle of twigs is used to scent a steam bath (the steam draws out the plant’s medicinal properties) & to beat your bare back in a sort of stimulating massage. Oak twigs, which, according to Russian traditional medicine, have antibacterial properties, are used to treat oily skin & skin disease. Birch is used to draw out toxins, maple for anti-inflammatory reasons, while various herbs can be added for different effects.
Snail slime facecream
It’s hard not to feel sorry for the snails, but apparently their slime contains antioxidants that protect the skin. There doesn’t seem to be much scientific evidence beyond the claims made by the manufacturer, however, so perhaps it’d be better to save your money, & spend it on some fruit & veg instead.
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