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Hair loss can be extremely distressing for both men and women, and there are many causes behind it. The good news is that there are ways that hair loss can, in some cases, be prevented.
Even when hair loss has already occurred, it can often be successfully treated.
Hair laser therapy is one such baldness treatment. Advanced laser therapy uses the latest laser beam technology, combined with FDA-approved medication and a proven scalp and follicle treatment programme, to re-grow hair.
With advanced laser therapy, visible results can be seen within three months.
Another possible hair loss treatment is the patented ‘strand by strand’ method. This effective treatment can revive thinning hair, while at the same time restoring confidence.
As the saying goes, though, prevention is better than cure, and it is possible to take steps to maintain hair health.
One proven cause of hair loss is hormonal problems. An underactive or overactive thyroid can cause premature hair loss, as can an imbalance of the male or female hormones.
Women who have recently had a baby often notice that they are losing more hair than usual. This again is related to hormones and should correct itself in time.
Some medications can also cause thinning hair as a side effect, as can infections of the scalp.
Should you experience sudden premature hair loss, you should consult a doctor to rule out any concerning health-related causes. In many cases, further hair loss can be prevented with the correct medical treatment.
Hair styles that pull on the hair shaft, such as tight cornrows or French plaits, can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Changing to a style that is gentler on the hair follicles, before scarring occurs and the hair loss becomes permanent, can prevent this problem.
Stress has also been linked with thinning hair, likewise a poor diet. Certain vitamins are thought to be important for hair health; including vitamins A, B6, B12 and C. Minerals, zinc and folic acid are also believed to play a crucial part in maintaining a healthy head of hair. Multivitamins formulated particularly for hair health are widely available.
Massaging the head could also help to keep hair follicles healthy, as well as releasing stress from the scalp area.
Sadly, in some cases hair loss is simply unpreventable. Fortunately, though, for those whose hair loss may be hereditary or caused by an illness, there is hope.
Effective hair loss treatments are now available so that everyone can enjoy the confidence that a full head of hair brings.
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