According to the NHS, one in five people will suffer from the crippling effects of hay fever at some point in their lifetime. Whilst children are longing for their summer holidays to begin, many will have already started suffering from irritating hay fever symptoms. At Beko, the UK’s Best-selling Large Home Appliance brand*, we work with families to develop products with features that can help to make their lives easier. With that in mind, here are our top tips to make the summer months easier for your children and mums and dads too:
1. Timing
Pollen count is at its highest during 8-10am and 5-7pm during the warmer months. Encourage your children to do indoor activities during these times and play outside during the day.
2. Wash your child’s clothing and bedding often
Pollen is sticky and will attach itself to your children’s hair and clothing. Washing their things regularly will minimise the amount of pollen in your house and lessen their symptoms. Beko’s new WMG11464 large capacity washing machine ( allows users to wash up to 11kg of laundry in one load. The range features an anti-allergy wash cycle, endorsed by Allergy UK, which helps to reduce the amount of allergens making it ideal for families with children who suffer from the effects of hay fever. Similarly, instead of drying your laundry outside, use a tumble dryer to ensure your laundry stays fresh, clean and pollen free. Our DCU9330W tumble dryer (, forms part of our energy efficient, EcoSmart range and has a capacity of 9kg making it ideal for larger families.
3. Clean your pets
Pollen will also attach itself to your pet’s fur. Make a note to wipe down your pets’ coats with a damp cloth after they have been outside. Equally, discourage your animals from going into your children’s bedroom where they can spread any pollen left in their fur.
4. Wear sunglasses
Sunglasses can act as a guard for your eyes, one of the most sensitive areas to pollen in both adults and children. Wearing sunglasses can help to minimise the symptoms of hay fever, as well as protecting your child’s eyes from potentially harmful UV rays.
5. Close your windows
Close your house and car windows when possible, especially first thing in the morning and early evening, to avoid pollen getting in.