NHS and UK Gov't Sites

A charter for patients in Wales
The full text of the patients charter for Wales. Produced as part of the UK government's citizen's charter programme, it gives details of the rights of the patient and the standard of healthcare they are entitled to both locally and nationally. . UK

Better health for mothers and children in Wales
Details of the Gwynedd Health Authority's proposals for the maternity services provided by the NHS in Wales. Comment is invited from public and health workers via links to each section. . UK

Brighton Health Care NHS Trust
Service information for Brighton Health Care NHS Trust, a major health trust running a broad range of hospital services on the south coast of England. . UK

Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) Home Page
The CDSC World Wide Web pages provide information on: Communicable Disease Report and four weekly Review, Contacting people at CDSC, European surveillance, Communicable Disease Resources on the Web. . UK

Department of Health
UK Department of Health Home Page covers Health of the Nation, Press Releases, Departmental publications and events, and Information Phone Lines. . UK

Dorset Health Commission
Dorset Health Commission's information service for the General Public and the NHS. Topics include: Contacts in Dorset Health Commission, The Patients Charter, Code of Practice on Openness. . UK

Essex MAAG homepage
The Essex Medical Audit Advisory Group is a body set up by the Health Authority to facilitate and coordinate medical audit in general practice. Their homepage gives information on the group itself, audits to date, upcoming educational events and an archive of newsletters. . UK

Health and Safety Executive
UK Government page on health and safety regulation. Features publications, videos from the Health and Safety Executive, Good Health is Good Business Campaign, Field Operations Division, Mines Inspectorate, Offshore Safety Division, The Public Enquiry, HSE Area Offices, HSE contact points for specific activities, Standards and performance, How to complain. . UK

Medical Devices Agency
The Medical Devices Agency works with users, manufacturers and legislators to ensure that medical devices meet appropriate standards of safety, quality and performance and that they comply with relevant Directives of the European Union. . UK

Medicines Control Agency
The UK Government's Medicine Control Agency. Their purpose is to make available up-to-the-minute information about all aspects of the medicines regulation process in the UK, together with news about initiatives in Europe and beyond. Initially, they contain details of the Agency structure and functions and will be expanded over time. . UK

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
UK Government Ministry site covers: Ministry aims and objectives, Background to the Ministry, UK food and farming statistics, Schools Science Competition, Getting further information from the Ministry. . UK

Nahat is a UK organisation working for NHS management bodies. It brings together NHS health authorities, Scottish health boards, Northern Ireland health and social services boards and NHS trusts into one representative organisation covering the separate and collective views of both purchasers and providers. It represents members' interests to ministers and to other decision makers. . UK

NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
Based at the University of York, the Centre aims to identify and review the results of good quality health research and to actively disseminate the findings to key decision makers in the NHS and to users of health care services. The Centre undertakes and commissions rigorous reviews of research findings on the effectiveness of health care relevant to the NHS. It is also responsible for a series of reviews examining the effectiveness of health promotion interventions on behalf of the Health Education Authority. . UK

NHS Executive
Home page of the NHS Executive, the government body that operates the National Health Service. Provides links to other NHS sites. . UK

Northern Ireland Health & Personal Social Services
The HPSS (Health and Personal Social Services) is the body which provides both Healthcare and Personal Social Services to the population of Northern Ireland. . UK

Northern Ireland Health Services - Charter for Patients & Clients
The full text of the patients charter for Northern Ireland. Produced as part of the UK government's citizen's charter programme, it gives details of the rights of the patient and the standard of healthcare they are entitled to both locally and nationally. . UK

Royal Brompton Hospital
Royal Brompton Hospital is a specialist cardiothoracic centre located in Chelsea, London. It is linked to Imperial College's National Heart and Lung Institute for post-graduate research. . UK

Royal Marsden Hospital
Royal Marsden Hospital site features Marsden Radiation Protection, Radiotherapy Group, Digital Mammography images and research. . UK

The Department of Health Home Page
Department of Health homepage. provided as part of the CCTA Government Information Service. General information on the Departmant is avaliable along with a list of publications, events, information line phone numbers and a summary of Health of the Nation press releases. . UK

The Patient's Charter and You - A Charter for England
The full text of the patients charter for England. Produced as part of the UK government's citizen's charter programme, it gives details of the rights of the patient and the standard of healthcare they are entitled to both locally and nationally. . UK

UK-Health Care Reform "The Health of the Nation"
Details of "The Health of the Nation", the govrnments' national strategy for health promotion. . UK

World Health Organisation
Home page of the World Health Organisation. . INT'L

Erectile Dysfunction

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