General Practice/Primary Care

AAH Meditel User Group Home Page
Non-commercial user group of British general practitioners who use a clinical computing system provided by AAH Meditel. . UK

Community and Family Medicine; Duke University
Duke Diet & Fitness Center, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Medical Informatics, Occupational & Environmental Medicine. . USA

Doctors' Independent Network
A UK doctors' network that supports local, district, regional and national clinical audit, promotes a national, independent, clinically secure medical computer network supervised by registered medical practitioners, and facilitates the ethical use of anonymised clinical data for epidemiology, research, by FHSA's for administration, and by the Department of Health for strategic planning. . UK

Egton Medical Information System - User Group
GP user group for the EGMIS. The Egton Medical Information System is a clinical and administrative management tool for general practice. It is designed to be a support system to facilitate improved patient care by easing the administrative burden, reducing record making and handling, preventing duplication of data entry and improving the speed and accuracy of data entry. . UK

Essex MAAG Web page
A Medical Audit Advisory Group based in Essex. Audits based on Asthma Diabetes Contraception and Sexual Health Practice Management Cardiac Back Pain. . UK

Family Medical Practice On-line
An electronic journal that publishes articles concerning general practice and primary care. Articles may be submitted to an editor by e-mail. Letters are accepted and advertisements and vacancies are also published. . UK

GP-UK invites discussion of new ideas, research, workshops, seminars, conferences, grants, education, software development etc for the General Practice (Family Medicine) community in the UK. GP-UK aims to promote collaborative work, problem solving and support. Views from outside the UK are also welcomed. . UK

GP-UK facilitates discussion on new ideas, research, workshops, seminars, conferences, grants, education, software development for the UK General Practice (Family Medicine) community. The site dealsl with topics such as healthcare computing, clinical prob . UK

Guide to First Aid
Home of the British Red Cross site - First aid courses and useful guidance on first aid treatments. . UK

International Committee of the Red Cross
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), based in Geneva. Includes: About the ICRC, Operations by country, Maps, facts and figures, reports, news releases and publications on the countries (over 50) in which the ICRC is currently active, thematic information covering issues such as antipersonnel mines, blinding weapons, water and war, International Humanitarian Law, together with a special section for armed forces, and information on the ICRC's CD-ROM on international humanitarian law. . INT'L

Access to the CME (Continueing Medical Education) Program, sponsored by medconnect. (The CME Program in Emergency Medicine is jointly sponsored by the American College of Emergency Physicians.) Every month, medconnect provides two peer-reviewed essays written by respected medical educators. At the conclusion of each essay, subscribers are able to take an interactive quiz. . USA

National Association of Commissioning General Practitioners
Pages designed to provide a focus on the internet for GPs, Practices, FHSAs, Health Commissions, hospitals ,Trusts and all those interested in Commissioning of NHS care. Information avaliable includes a glossary on commissioning and purchasing in the NHS, a list of committee members (as at 4.11.95)and details about the formation, history and aims of NACGP. . UK

Primary Care - Charing Cross Westminster Medical School
Primary Care Department at the Charing Cross Westminster Medical School. . UK

Primary Care Baseline Project
The Primary Care Baseline Project aim to provide a virtual handbook of primary care on the Internet. Information is avaliable on a comprehensive range of primary care topics. . USA

Primary care informatics/telematics
Resource provided by the European Federation for Medical Informatics. . UK

Primary Care Specialist Group
Special Interest Group of The British Computer Society. . UK

Primary Care Teaching Modules
Developed by Stanford University and the University of California, these pages provide information on primary care desugned for use as a teaching aid. For a given topic there are details of learning objectives, sample cases, discussion, and lists of references. . USA

Scottish Sensory Centre
SSC is an organisation concerned with new developments and effective practices in the education of children and young people with any kind of sensory impairment (for example visual,hearing or dual (deafblindness) sensory impairment). Information is provided for conferences,courses,seminars and workshops organised by the SSC. Furthur details on education and related topics through the Visual Impairment Service and Deaf Education Database are also avaliable. . UK

Sowerby Unit for Primary Care Informatics,University of Newcastle.
The Sowerby Unit provides an information service concerning individual patient care, population care, audit, research, health care planning and to monitor the Government's initiative Health of the Nation. Compiling their data from analysis of patient records stored in general practice computers, the unit also aims to investigate the process of clinical data collection to generate high quality clinical information, and to facilitate the education of all primary care clinicians on the use of computers in clinical medicine.Details are given of the Unit's publications,research interests and teaching. . UK

UK Primary Care
This is an experimental Web site for managers in British primary care. These pages are being developed by a group of practices in East Yorkshire. . UK

This list is for members of AUDGP, the Association of University Departments of General Practice. It aims to promote discussion between members of the departments; to list current research projects in the departments, and to share information on medical education and research. . UK

University of Edinburgh, CALL centre
CALL is dedicated to serving those in Scotland with severe communication difficulties, physical disabilities, and mobility problems. This homepage provides details of avaliable services, staff and the centres current research and development programme. . UK

Visual Impairment Service
Produced by the Scottish Sensory Centre, the Visual Impairment Service (VIS) is the first electronic information service for visual impairment in the UK. Information avaliable includes a wide range of directory information on courses, resources, leisure and holidays, daily living, low vision and contacts arranged by area of interest and geographical location. . UK

Erectile Dysfunction

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